Frequently Asked Questions

Is Petrogas an Exploration Company?

No, we are not an exploration company, but we do work very closely with exploration, drilling, and production companies (as well as government agencies and other corporate entities), assisting with all aspects of their oil and gas endeavors. Operating within our core business, we are well-equipped and have a proven track record to be your Local Advisor and Business Partner, Consultant, Trainer, Oilfield and Gasfield Supplier, Equipment Vendor, Service and Maintenance Engineer, EPFC Contractor, Representative, Project Manager, Distributor and Dealer, Risk Manager, Procurement Agent, Order Fulfillment Partner, Logistics Provider and much more…

What are some reasons to hire Petrogas?

There are a myriad of reasons to hire Petrogas. But let's give you a clear example:

You are an international oil company and you wish to be involved with the expanding hydrocarbons industry in East Africa. The first thing you would do is explore for a good production site, with which you would likely try to find someone local to help (Petrogas). Then, once you found a suitable site, you would likely lease or purchase the land and establish buildings and machinery for drilling and logistics (Petrogas). Then, you could bring in your own workers to do the work. However, this can be very expensive or limited under local content regulations. A better option is to hire locally (Petrogas). But wait — these people need to be trained (Petrogas), and you will need equipment (Petrogas). And then the oil and gas need to be moved (Petrogas)...

You can see where this is headed — we can help you with just about every aspect of oil and gas production. Working with Petrogas is far more cost effective and ensures cooperation with the local community and government (employment and national economic growth helps tremendously in fostering acceptance and goodwill).

We do this for national oil companies (NOCs) and international oil companies (IOCs’), and also work with state-owned corporations, government agencies and private companies.

Can Petrogas supply skilled workers, like engineers and specialists?

Indeed, we can. We locate and train all-level workers with local professionals. We rely on international experts to fill talent gaps.

What about equipment?

We can procure just about any piece of equipment you require, from drilling supplies to the tankers that haul the fuel, and everything in between.

Is Petrogas environmentally conscious?

Yes, we are very environmentally conscious. We feel the only way long-term profits can be sustained is by being a responsible global citizen, and caring for the very land you are working on...

How about socially aware?

Yes, that too. In fact, local content is a key reason for our existence. We bridge the gap between corporate profits and local economic development, and we ensure that they complement each other. We believe that, when both sides are heard, both sides benefit even more.

How can we contact Petrogas?

Regardless of where you are located, we are easily reachable through walk-in visits, by phone calls, and by email. Please contact us here.